
[News] Politricks: Nicki Minaj, Mitt Romney and President Obama – The Debate

todaySeptember 11, 2012 5

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Last week, I wrote a post informing you about Lil Wayne’s new mixtape “Dedication 4“. Didn’t give it a review, because… well, that’s not my job. I’m here to inform you on what’s going on out there in the hip hop world.

Now, Itch.FM, isn’t really here to be a gossip site and we don’t do the politics thing either. However, I just wanted to alert you to something that I didn’t know was bubbling up to boiling point in the U.S (but makes for background gossip foder in the U.K).

You see, on the Dedication 4 mixtape, there is a track that Nicki Minaj featured on called “Mercy”. And in it, there is a line when Ms Minaj says “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy b****es is f****ng up the economy.”

Listen in at the 1:41 sec mark:

Now, when I heard it I thought that was an interesting line, especially as [it seams] there are a hell of a lot of hip hop artists that indorse the U.S President. And there goes good ol’ Nicki saying that she’ll be voting for a republican. What! Shock horror!

Was she saying that she basically makes [loadsa] money and her haters don’t (the simplified version)? Or, that the U.S government is ruining the economy?

Me, I just took it for wordplay, with the aim to shock. To others, it was much more to it than that. As I mentioned above, this went near to boiling point, if it hasn’t already.

It caused such a stir state side, that Nicki Minaj was even getting death threats online, as well as the usual haters remarks from people who just hate when anyone that is too successful.

It got message boards and forum threads blowing up, while obviously helping downloads.

What followed was the President got wind of the line, and during an interview with a U.S radio station, Power 95.3, when asked what his reaction to it was, he replied…

”She likes to play different characters,”…. “So I don’t know what’s going on there.

You can listen to it in the video…

Smooth[or funny] guy!

Nicki Minaj responded on twitter saying..

“Ha! Thank you for understanding my creative humor & sarcasm Mr. President, the smart ones always do. *sends love & support,*”

Personally, I think she missed the irony in the comment. But, then she tweeted..

“Awesome! Now I can tell my grandchildren that the 1st black President of the United States took the time to address a Nicki Minaj question Expand”

You’d like to think that this will be the end of it, but nooooo! Certain publications would like this story to keep it’s legs growing and now have posed the following question:

Do you think he let Nicki Minaj off too easy? He [the President] called Kanye West a “jackass” for his MTV stunt, I wonder what he really thinks about Nicki Minaj now?

You’d think she done something really scandalous. But, hey, I guess I could say that living over here. In America, it’s obviously pressed a few buttons.

Quite a debate going on over this whole fiasco, and if you’re interested, you can see what people are saying in the comment thread here: Nicki Minaj, Mitt Romney and President Obama debate

Now, I pose a question to you: Do you give a damn? Or, is this what hip hop is all about? Answers below please!

Written by: Reece Nash

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