
A$AP Rocky, only once in his life has he shed tears because of his success

todayJanuary 13, 2013 16

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A$AP Rocky - Long Live A$AP
A$AP Rocky – Long Live A$AP

A$AP Rocky, only once has he shed a tear.

In a recent interview with The Sun newspaper, A$AP Rocky admitted shedding a tear when the fact of how successful he is hit him.

For the Harlem rapper, former drug dealer and hottest new name in hip-hop, there have been plenty brought on by pain, but for happiness and pride, just the once.

He says: “It was 2011. I’d just put out my second song, Purple Swag, and had played a show.

“I was being chauffeured home and it just HIT me. I’d seen all these fans out there giving me the love and supporting me and I started to cry.

“Then I stopped myself and said, ‘That will be the first and last time I will ever cry because I think I’ve made it

courtesy of  JACQUI SWIFT – The Sun

Read the FULL story


Written by: ColumBo Bells

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